We collaborated with Ad2 Denver and all the fine folks below to help out with this PSA for Project Sanctuary - a non-profit organization whose mission is to provide therapeutic, curative, supportive and recreational activities to veterans, active military personnel, their spouses and children in a leisure environment. The music you hear at the top of the spot is "Brother" from
Meniskus, also recorded right here at Coupe! This radio PSA is also being made into a TV spot as well.
Big thanks to:
Ad2 Denver @ http://www.ad2denver.com/
Project Sanctuary http://www.projectsanctuary.us
Karen Morris @ Freelance Writer
Ashley Boyden @ Cactus
Richie Kendall @ Futuristic Films
Eugene Thompson (Freelance VO talent)
Greg McRae @ Coupe Studios
Mel Reeck @ Coupe Studios